Introduction to Health Informatics
28-30th of June, 2022 - A three-day Onsite Course
Healthcare and biomedicine are experiencing a rapid revolution that is fueled by digitization and generation of data at a large scale. Healthcare informatics provides the scientific basis for making sense of these data with a goal of helping clinicians provide superior healthcare. The field is an integration of many disciplines such as computer science, healthcare sciences, cognitive science, and information science for assisting in the management of healthcare information. It is often used to describe the use of technology to improve patient care and better outcomes.
Who should attend and what should they expect from course:
Practicing healthcare professionals:
How to recognize an information need? how to quickly scan and filter information to answer a question? how to configure an electronic health record to focus attention and save time? when to override decision support? how to analyze data from my practice to identify learning and improvement opportunities?
Quality improvement teams
How might we detect if the outcome we are trying to improve is changing in the desired direction? Are data available in our operational systems that are fit for that purpose? What combination of pattern detection algorithm, workflow process, decision support, and training might work together to change the outcome? How can we adapt operational processes and systems to test the change and to scale if it proves effective?
Research teams
How much context do we need to keep about data we create and how do we structure the metadata? How do we optimize compute and storage platforms? How might we leverage electronic health record-derived phenotype to generate hypotheses?
Computer Scientist or health “app” developers
What health outcome am I trying to change? What sources of data might be fit for that purpose? What type of intervention might change the outcome? Who would be the best target for the intervention? What is the best place in their workflow to incorporate the intervention?
Health system leaders
How do we restructure team roles and electronic health record workflows to reduce clinician burnout and improve care quality? How do we leverage technology to deploy context-sensitive just-in-time learning across our system? How might we enhance health information privacy and security and reduce barriers to using data for population health, health care quality improvement, and discovery?